Feel Concepts GmbH
Landsberger Allee 366
12681 Berlin
E-Mail: hello@feel-concepts.de
Sales tax identification number according to § 27a Sales Tax Act
DE 296830381
Tax number:
Tax office
Managing Director
Ingo Gorski
Responsible for content according to § 10 paragraph 3 MDStV
Johannes Gorski (address as above)
Data protection:
The content of this website is protected by copyright. Without written permission from Feel Concepts GmbH, the content of the pages (texts, parts of texts or images) may neither be reproduced nor processed, changed, duplicated, distributed or used in any other copyright-relevant way using electronic systems. Should you discover a copyright infringement on our part on this website, please notify us! We will then remove the content concerned, insofar as it infringes the law, immediately after a brief check.
Images and photographs:
All featured images on this website are by Robert Schlesinger Photography.
Photo credits
Katja Schönemann – Design
Shutterstock.com – ©Kary1974, ©Syda Productions, ©sfam_photo, ©Robert Kneschke
Design and realisation
Hönower Straße 112
12623 Berlin
Soldinerstr. 75
13359 Berlin
Link liability
Hyperlinks to the websites of third parties do not constitute approval of their content on the part of Feel Concepts. The operators of the linked sites are solely responsible for their availability and content